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dimanche 5 juillet 2009

Mesothelioma and the Law

Mesothelioma and the Law ›

Mesothelioma lawsuits can be extremely complicated. That is why mesothelioma victims should contact an experienced mesothelioma lawyers like the ones at Johnson Law Group.

If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation from those responsible for your exposure to asbestos.

If you contact Johnson Law Group, you will immediately talk to an experienced mesothelioma specialist who will begin your case with the Intake and Evaluation phase of the lawsuit. In this phase, we will learn about your case, including learning about your situation, your illness, your work history and other items that might be pertinent to your case

The next step in the process is the discovery phase. In the the discovery phase of a mesothelioma lawsuit, Johnson Law Group and the defending law firm exchange documents and other information. You will be asked to swear under oath that all of the information and answers you have given are the truth. In this stage, we can also conduct a deposition, in which you can give a formal interview about your case that is recorded by court reporter.

If your mesothelioma lawsuit does not settle out of court, the case will go to trial. Johnson Law Group will prepare your case for a jury. As you get closer to trial, the defense in the case will be more likely to offer a settlement. Frequently settlements occur right before a trial is scheduled to begin. However, you must be prepared that your mesothelioma lawsuit may go to a jury trial.

If your case does go to trial and the jury makes a decision (or “renders a verdict”), the judge will enter a judgment that reflects the final result of the trial. For example, if we win and the jury awards damages, the judgment will show what the defendant is required to pay. But the losing party has a right to appeal the judgment. This means the side that lost can ask a higher court to review the case and determine whether the final result was proper. An appeal can add another two or more years to the time it takes to resolve your case. To avoid this delay, the parties sometimes choose to settle even after judgment is entered.

For more information about Mesothelioma and the law, contact Johnson Law Group today.

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